

Callsign Award Squadron Duties
Montrose instructor 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Board Member
WOPR block 6 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Board Member
Aulby block 4 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Board Member
Striker instructor VFA-136 Knighthawks Instructor Pilot
Dekein instructor 111th FS Aces Instructor Pilot
Home Fries nfowings 428th FS Buccaneers Active Pilot
WSO Instructor
Muad' Diz block 6 428th FS Buccaneers Active Pilot
WSO Instructor
King01 block 6 428th FS Buccaneers Instructor Pilot
nvBroncrider block 6 VFA-136 Knighthawks Instructor Pilot
InZane block 6 VFA-136 Knighthawks Instructor Pilot


Callsign Award Squadron Duties
RedJack block 6 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Crewdog block 4 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Boomer block 4 111th FS Aces Reserve Pilot
Juicebox block 4 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Rix block 4 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Kingsnake block 6 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Flynn block 6 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Joker block 6 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Flounder block 6 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Sasquatch block 4 111th FS Aces Active Pilot
Spitts block 1 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Gunner block 6 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Bargeguy block 1 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Pete block 1 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Kazoo block 1 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Curly block 1 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Redman block 1 VFA-136 Knighthawks Active Pilot
Bife block 6 428th FS Buccaneers Reserve Pilot
Seaweed block 6 428th FS Buccaneers Active Pilot
GreyWolfe block 6 428th FS Buccaneers Active Pilot
Spurs block 6 428th FS Buccaneers Active Pilot
Chuck Norus
block 6 428th FS Buccaneers Active Pilot
Thunder block 6 - Unassigned -
Active Pilot


Wing Level Qualifications
instructor Instructor Pilot - Pilot has met all of the requirements necessary to be qualified to instruct all other pilots in all operations including basic flight through all combat operations.
block 6 Block 6 Completed - Pilot has met all requirements in training and has shown the necessary profficiency in all Air To Air operations.
block 5 Block 5 Completed - Pilot has met all requirements in training and has shown the necessary profficiency in all Air To Ground operations.
block 4 Block 4 Completed - Pilot has met all requirements in training and has shown the necessary profficiency in all formation and Tactical Turns.
block 3 Block 3 Completed - Pilot has met all requirements in training and has shown the necessary profficiency in all aerobatic and recovery maneuvering.
block 2 Block 2 Completed - Pilot has met all requirements in training and has shown the necessary profficiency in understanding navigion aids.
block 1 Block 1 Completed - Pilot has met all requirements in training and has shown the necessary profficiency in all basic flight operations.
block 6 Blocks Not Started